Information on Corporate Governance Director

Scope of Authority and Continuing Education of Corporate Governance Director

The Board of Directors of our company passed a resolution on May 10, 2023, appointing our Chief Financial Officer, Longzhu Hong, as the Corporate Governance Director. Longzhu Hong, the CFO, has over three years of experience as a financial executive in a publicly traded company. The main responsibilities include legally handling matters related to the Board of Directors and shareholder meetings, preparing relevant records for board and shareholder meetings, assisting directors in their appointments and ongoing education, providing necessary data for directors to carry out their duties, and assisting directors in compliance with regulations.


Business Execution in 2024

1. Acted as the primary contact point between the directors and the company.

2. Assisted directors in executing their duties and provided necessary company information during meetings, ensuring smooth communication and interaction between the directors and various department heads.

3. Provided information on relevant training courses for directors and assisted in organizing their continuing education.

4. Assisted in coordinating communications between the audit committee, accountants, and the head of audit.

5. Drafted the agenda for board meetings, notified the directors, convened the meetings, provided meeting materials, issued warnings in advance in case of conflicts of interest, and completed the board meeting minutes within twenty days after the meeting.

6. Managed shareholder meeting affairs.


Continuing Education in 2024

Training DateOrganizerCourse TitleTraining Hours
2024/04/17 Chinese Finance Development Association Directors, Supervisors, and Corporate Governance Officers Series Course - Economic Situation and Market Opportunities in New Southbound Countries 3
2024/04/19 Chinese Finance Development Association Directors, Supervisors, and Corporate Governance Officers Series Course - Corporate Financial Awareness: Behavioral Finance and Corporate Decisions 3
2024/04/26 Chinese Finance Development Association Directors, Supervisors, and Corporate Governance Officers Series Course - 2024 Global and Taiwan Economic Outlook 3
2024/05/09 Chinese Finance Development Association Directors, Supervisors, and Corporate Governance Officers Series Course - Economic and Financial Trends in Mainland China 3
Total Training Hours


(Non-newly appointed)

Operational Integrity Status

Disclosure of Illegal and Unethical Reporting System

Our company has established a "Procedure for Handling Reports of Illegal, Unethical, or Non-Integrity Behaviors" to enforce operational integrity policies and ensure the company's sustainable development. It includes setting up internal and external reporting channels and procedures.

Internal and External Education and Training on Operational Integrity Conducted by the Company

In 2023, information security advocacy and tests (including online) trained 181 individuals for a total of 181 hours, achieving a 97% completion rate. From 2022 to 30/04/2023, the execution status was as follows:

  • All employees completed signing the declaration form, achieving 100% completion.
  • Training on integrity-related issues and tests (including online) accumulated 204 individuals, totaling 136 hours, with a test completion rate of 99%.
  • Reported the execution results to the directors at the 12th board meeting, 10th session.

Operational Integrity Performance in 2022

ItemsFrom July 11 to First Course CompletionNew Employees until April 20223
Headcount 174 30
Signing of Declaration 100% 100%
Integrity Assessment 99% 100%
Total Training Hours 87 hours 16 hours