Located in New Taipei Industrial Park in New Taipei City, the digital image output center takes advantage of its expertise and cutting-edge equipment to provide enterprises high-quality colored large format printing service, plus post production and on-site execution.


➢Services Overview

Customized service

Equipped with advanced digital-image output equipment, ITTS can undertake such works as large format printing, dummy board, outdoor advertising, sign production, and light-box advertising.

Consulting service

For professional consulting service, understand customers' needs, as basis for the provision of suitable solution. Help customers save time and expenditure via a complete flow, pre-printing color check → large format printing → post-production processing → packaging and delivery → on-site execution.

Quality assurance

Strict management flow, coupled with complete after-sales service, can win full trust and entrustment of customers.


➢Services Items

  • Large format printing: poster, dummy board, banner, hanging scroll
  • Outdoor advertising: car body, building exterior wall, sign production, canvas advertising
  • Venue decoration: stage back plate, various advertising objects
  • Advertising light box: true-color slide production
  • Customized products: window shade, replica painting
  • Poster display rack and accessories: X-type display rack
  • Execution/delivery/venue decoration for entire Taiwan


➢Success Cases


Production of advertisement on building exterior wall


Plate-sheet sign of store

AD03 2

Digital output of smart car body


Canvas advertisement on building exterior wall

➢Notes for Large Format Printing

  • Color mode for camera-ready copy in file production: CMYK for spraying printing, RGB for laser printing
  • Employment of Photoshop or ILLUSTRATOR in file production, to avoid displacement, broken characters, random code, and image disappearance often seen in the use of other image layout software.
  • When using Photoshop for producing camera-ready copy, make a back-up PDF or TIFF file (without compression), and keep PSD file, for use in change of image size or color revision.
  • When using ILLUSTRATOR for producing camera-ready copy, convert text to Create Outline and insert image file in link method.
  • Due to absence of alignment between ITTS image spraying machine and customers' computer, there may be some variation in printing via file conversion. For precision color, please provide color sample for color comparison (such as color slip, positive, print materials) and reserve the time for color correction and sample inspection.


Hotline: (886-2)5551-9890

E-mail : services@itts.com.tw